I'm not an interesting person. When I talk a lot, I get depressed. But my brain constantly thinks up weird things and the words can sometimes become a waterfall that literally jars my psyche, so I need to spew them out somewhere or I'd go nuts.
Along the way, I have become quite obsessed with Shah Rukh Khan so I dedicated a blog for him here. And I peppered my other blog with so much Colin Firth, it's hard to get through a page without bumping into the guy like 10,000 times.
But I have to make my visitors and friends understand this one thing: I write here for myself. I do not crave comments, I'm not that eager to discuss any of my words/sentences/posts/etc., I'm not particularly overjoyed when someone agrees or disagrees with my views, and I can be happy writing 6 bajillion posts without a single person in this world noticing the existence of my blogs. So write comments to me if you have something nice or worthwhile to share.. otherwise I'd appreciate it more if you just follow my blogs unobtrusively.
For whatever it's worth.. welcome to my blogs. Glad to have you here! \(^o^)>