Saturday, July 31, 2010

Movie marathon: 3rd movie - Ninja Assassin

If you live in the Asian region and you've never heard of Rain, than you've been living under a rock for the past recent years. Recent as in.. mmm, as far as Full House, maybe? Or you're like hubby who doesn't know much about TV shows... of any kind.

I confessed. I went to the CD store to get Ninja Assassin and ended up coming back with the other 2 movies. I saved the best for last. Even with the aching head and watery eyes, I could hardly blink the entire movie duration. The ~ 2 hr CD became more than 3 due to the frequent rewinding. Which is why I can't watch movies in cinema.

You can sit in your comfortable living room watching this DVD and going.. "This movie sucks!" for all I care, but I have a thing for people who give their entire self to whatever it is they're working on... coz I'm the opposite of that... so what if the characterizations are flighty and you can't feel much for the people being hunted down by these 'shadows'?

If you start caring about stuff like that, you'll never be able to enjoy a fight movie. I have different criterias when watching movies, which is why I'm usually able to enjoy every movie I watch. If I don't enjoy them, I'll leave the moment I get bored. I don't watch until the end and then get on the net and write a scathing review on it for free. Someone has to pay me to do that sorta idiotic things.

Which part I like the most? When Mika goes to him with the keys and he says.. "Oh Mika, Mika.. I like you more and more". It sounds sexy spoken by an idoru who's all tied up to a woman kneeling in front of his crotch sweaty and bloody like that. The woman and his crotch both. I was only guessing about his crotch though, unfortunately. Oh, the self-healing stomach is pretty awesome too. I stopped eating during one of the bloodbaths, or else I'd probably be able to enjoy my meal more. I've never watched a wound closing up while gobbling spaghetti with beef before. Dang, I missed that chance.

Does blood really go up in a plentiful spray when cut by a sharp katana? Has this been tried on a willing, living subject, in a controlled environment at least, in order to study the effect? Fluid motion study for the sake of science... and cinema.

I want at least one role like this for hyung-chan. Hyung-ar... you'd better be able to get that 'killer' role you've been blabbing about in recent interviews one day. Although you've played one in that mini drama for "Let Me Be the One", but that guy inexplicably saves his supposed-victim's annoying girlfriend (any girl who gets to yank hyung's body part in a movie/drama/CF/whateva annoys me). Which means he's not psychotic enough.. geh. And I want fight scenes, kay! With nunchaku, if possible. Waaaaa.. hyung wielding nunchaku. I shiver just imagining it. True happiness comes from hopeful wishes like these~

Ahhhh.. just thinking about all the interesting movies hyung will be able to make in the future.. makes me happy to still be alive.

Movie marathon: 2nd movie - Confession of pain

I bought it coz of Takeshi, of course. He's my long-time love. In fact, we have an on-off relationship spanning more than a decade now. I still remember that movie where he's running around on my screen causing mischief with Dicky. He's older and wiser now. This movie has him running around causing mischief in a state of blind drunkenness. Everyone has to grow up sometime.

And everytime I watch Tony Leung, I'm reminded of his very first drama. I'm glad he fulfilled people's expectation of him by becoming a veteran actor. I would kick his head in if he quit early after so many sickeningly flowery praises on him I had to endure while reading the newspapers during that time.

It's called Confession of Pain. It's also on youtube in 11 parts. DEMMIT! *kicks wall*'s okay, it's okay. I want the DVD anyway... *thinks of empty wallet* ...arrrrrrrgh!!! *kick kick*

This movie is totally NOT a whodunnit movie, so stop your whining and get with the program. You pretty much know who had done it even before they show you the killer's face.

Watching this, I got inspired again. Maybe I should just write this shit up and to hell with my dissertation.. ha! Nope, I didn't mean that. I have a responsibility towards my sponsors, supervisors, guarantors, yada yada yada...

Life is hard.

Life is hard for everyone involved in this movie too. Choices you make determine the outcome of your life is pretty much shoved up yer ass every step of the way. You feel sorry for these people.. they're someone who can live right next to you. Man, it even makes me wonder whether hubby dearest can be someone this cold and single-mindedly brutal. Hope not. I don't wanna be killed while I'm sleeping. Although, death while sleeping is not such a bad way to go... if you think of 1001 horrible ways possible for you to die.

Justice, saving the world... those are mere illusions. As Woochie said... "Life is a dream". What is the point in working so hard to attain the unattainable? Only humans have the strength to fight so desperately for something as meaningless as an empty life.

The ending depresses me, but I accept it... just like I accept so many unreasonable things happening around the world. Everything has a meaning... if we think of it this way, the struggle for life is not so pathetic after all. No matter how strong the temptation, ending your life for any reason or no reason whatsoever is not an option. Life is hard. Life is supposed to be hard. If your life is not hard enough, make it harder. One day you will die with no regret.. or less regret, at least.

Life is a struggle to die as a better person. I think.

P/S: Brother! I want my K-20 DVD back!!! grrrr...

Movie marathon: 1st movie - The Taoist Wizard Woochie

Bought 3 interesting movies today and I watched all at one go. Atama ga itai.. demo, hontou ni ureshikatta. Totally worth this frigging headache I'm experiencing right now.

Can I divide the post into 3 parts? Of course I can, it's my dem blog. Right. The first movie I watched was Woochie.. or Woo Chi. Or The Taoist Wizard as called on youtube. Yep, it was uploaded in its entirety with 13 parts. Trust me for finding it online after coughing up more than ~ RM20 for it. But the action is too good to be watched on the puny youtube monitor.

I started out thinking.. gyabo, the guy looks awful with that top hat. But as soon as he transforms into a sleek, pony-tailed guy with legs that stretch on forever.. I was hooked. So sue me for being shallow.

I like how the story is woven too. I mean, I have to like the guy first to appreciate the story *cough* ...anyway, while watching it, I wish I could write a story this nice, at least. I like a movie with lots of things going on.. at the front, in the background, all over the place.. and then they all tie together. Woochie is a story like that, IMO.

I looked him up on the net coz I can't help feeling I've seen him onscreen somewhere b4, but I didn't recognize any of the movies he's acted in. I haven't watched that many Korean movies coz they're usually about love, gangsters and/or crude sex. At least the ones that I stumbled on anyway. Woochie is unique, which is why I bought it. It's supposed to be Korean's #1 blockbuster movie when it came out. Not that I'd care about that anyway. I like movies I like, doesn't matter if the rest of the world don't care to give them labels.

I wonder if I can cook up something at least as interesting as Woochie. Time is running out and I still haven't written a fraction of the things I want to. I'm a stupid idiot who's throwing her life away doing petty things before I die, just like the rest of humankind on this planet.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chinca yeol?

Just read a blog post that says:

"An idol group’s leader transferring to another agency on his own is an unprecedented case."

...even though I'm a very very new fan, even I know that if not for the love and trust the Triple S have in hyung, he'd be bombarded with antis by now and his new drama will be boycotted instead of supported wildly all over the net. I think hyung will say something about the future of the group officially as soon as he can do so. Saying anything now while he's still filming "Mischievous Kiss" may have an undesirable effect on everyone involved. But I did realize that even if SS can continue on, things will never be as they were before if everyone is scattered in God know's what agency.

That said, I also don't want them to end up like TOKIO or SMAP... being in an idoru group even when you're nearing 40. It just sounds... sad... for lack of a gentler word. If Seo Taiji had not broken away from his idoru group, would he have been where he is now? Idoru group is supposed to have a short shelf life as an idoru group. I like how Morning Musume works.. or how I think it works anyway. People get in, get known, gather fans, get launched, stay a few years to increase popularity, then kicked out of the nest to survive without their groupmates... to be replaced by a new member. Change is the only constant in life.

It's just that... it amazed me, no... shocked is more like it... when I knew hyung accepted the offer from an agency that is well-known for managing actors. The acting bug musta bit him hard during BOF. I thought, if he had wanted to change course, he'd try to get into a band where he can play his beloved guitar... never thought he'd choose acting. I guess he's really living his motto.. "Live life only once..blablabla" (can't remember)

But to me, it's more like fate that I 'met' him now rather than when he was active in SS. I've always had the tendency to 'follow' actors rather than singers or musicians. Hyung-chan starting to be actively involved in acting just when I'm beginning to get interested in him is a stroke of good fortune for me. I never worry about him not getting into music again. He's a workaholic.He's available for work even during Christmas holidays, come on. He'll find the opportunity to carry out musical activities. I'm more worried about the other SS members. I wonder what DSP is doing, dragging them along into an uncertain future. Are you re-signing them or aren't you? Altho... Hyung Jun was tweeting about buying furniture recently and three of them are reportedly going to appear in a short drama of some sort. So it must not be that catastrophic... mmmm, yet. Hopefully.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Crash course on hyung-chan

If anyone has any doubt of how far apart he is from his most-remembered character, Ji Hoo sunbae, he/she should watch these clips below. He's still in his 1st season's Ji Hoo-hairstyle so the contrast is most dazzling. You know which one I prefer... errr, coz I just told you so in my previous post.

So please don't doubt hyung's ability to be Naoki-sama, kay. He's a natural chameleon. Stop comparing negatively between the versions.. enjoy the difference. If all the guys from different cultures (Japan, Taiwan, Korean) act out Naoki-sama in a similar way, you'll complain too. I know this because I read many comments saying Lee Min Ho carbon-copied Jerry's Dou Ming Xi. Which is absolute BS of coz, even though he looks so much like Jerry from some angles in quite a lot of scenes. I think the casting director deliberately searched for someone who could make the MG fans reminisce about Dou Ming Xi so they'd get hooked too, along with the new viewers. It's politics.

Anyway, after I was told by one youtube commenter that it's "free country" when I told her to ...errrm, take a hike and don't bother to come back again if she doesn't like what she's watching (that was in the SRK fandom), I've learnt my lesson. It's that... internet is a place full of mirrors and the person typing is only one of the numerous reflections of the living, breathing person in front of the computer monitor. As long as the ripples don't spill out of the periphery into my physical and real life, I shouldn't let a hurtful barb wound me. And loving an idoru is all about being in bliss, so what is the point of being unhappy in a fandom? Everyone.. when the rating war starts in earnest, please learn to ignore comments from antis and live in your small ignorant world where Naoki-sama, or Seung-Jo, and his minions live on screen for a few months for the sole purpose of entertaining you.

Life is short. Enjoy it!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hyung and his wrinkly thoughts...

...okay, that's it for today. My eyes are watering. I'm hungry but too lazy to go out and buy dinner. I'm probably gonna flunk my study spending all my time on the net stalking hyung. Jya na~ ...thank you for privately following my blog. Drop me a few comments sometimes, lovely princesses~ ..I want to have someone to fangirl with about hyung during the making of this highly-anticipated drama. Trolls will be escorted out of the premise.. I will not let you roam freely here with impunity.. lalala.

Mischievous Kiss is airing on 1st of Sept this year. Look forward to it!

40%'s competition.. staaaato!

Which one will grab the viewers in this rating war??

Mischievous Kiss

My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox

I always think the worst for the ones I love the most, so I'm really worried for hyung's drama. But I think, being the masochistic workaholic that he is... this 'war' will just spur him on to work harder. Don't forget to eat, hyung-chan! I don't want you to go all skinny towards the end of the drama like you did in BOF!

Producer-san, cordi noona-san, minna-san... please take good care of hyung and feed him rice & meat. Don't serve him sandwiches for days in a row, okay. If he's healthy... his skin will glow beautifully and his sculpted body can be shown to the best advantage. This will also increase rating for the drama~~  (is my campaign working? *hypnotizes all crew members*)

I miss hyung. Wish him all the best. I'll work hard along with him.. arrrrgh, but I have zero tolerance for temptations! *shifts camera focus away from her pathetic life*


Hyung's 1st day shoot!!

Long live rabid stalker fangals *confetti* ..I lovesh us, really. Altho, I'm only rabid online. How cool is it that your school get selected as filming location for a drama starring your idoru?? I'm so jealous of those schoolgirls now. Granted, I'll never look the part as a high school student at my age. But maybe, I can disguise as their homeroom teacher? God, I'm old.

*throws negative thoughts far away* ...neeways, I scouted for hyung's pictures as Naoki-sama, and got a truckload. I'll just paste the one I like here..

hyung.. suteki! aishiteru aishiteru~ 

That said, I wonder when he'll act in a drama that's not a remake of a japanese manga. This is his second one. I know he's the second guy next to Min Ho in BOF, but to me it feels like he has more screen time.. LOL. So in my head, hyung is the lead in BOF who doesn't get the girl but is not stupid enuff to get himself killed over her just coz he can't have her. Or kill her..

...I guess that plot mostly works in hindi movies and not in the rest of the Asian region. But hey.. doesn't Jun Pyo throw his body in front of a moving car and in his not-so-near death hour tells Ji Hoo that he's the only one for Jan Di? I guess that dying-over-the girl-I love works in any culture. He makes Ji Hoo cry with his selfish unthoughtfulness! I want to bonk Jun Pyo on the head for saying such a hurtful thing to my lovely sunbae.. gyabo. Does he think Ji Hoo so evil to take Jan Di for himself after a sacrifice like that from his best friend? *bonk bonk* ...oooops, BOF fever is supposed to be over now that we have Naoki-sama a.k.a Seung-Jo gracing our TV life with his lovely presence. And they keep his hair colour! Thank you God for small favours~

However, I think I get why hyung wanted this role out of the gajillion roles offered to him. Seung-Jo is more Hyun Joong-ish than Ji Hoo will ever be. Despite falling in crush over hyung due to His Amazingly Lovely Rui-ness, after watching so many SS clips.. I realized that there's not much Ji Hoo in hyung.. in fact, it really feels like hyung created him from scratch out of his persona. I like hyung much more, so much so that I begin to get irritated whenever I watch clips during or right after BOF where the MC's kept on calling him.. "Ji Hoo sunbae.. Ji Hoo sunbae"

But the thing is... Naoki is also aloof and cold like Ji Hoo. To those who think Ji Hoo is the national romantic guy.. lemme tell you that Ji Hoo is so cold, he manages to focus all his loving effort on 2 unattainable women in his life. Isn't the essence of a cold man being an inability to be responsible for your love? What is more irresponsible than loving a woman so selflessly, knowing you'll never get her... nor do you want to have her for real... in the end? Ji Hoo sunbae.. you are the loveliest flower in F4, but I don't agree with your concept.

So, for Ji Hoo sunbae's and hyung's lovers.. we kinda get a 2-in-1 deal... don't you think? Naoki is both cold and warm, serious and mischievous, genius and an idiot.. so many contradictions! I love hyung.. he's so smart. Altho I thought up all these things by myself with no regard whatsoever to the real reason why hyung took this role.. I still think he's very smart.. nay, a genius!

Please work hard to show us a new side of you this time, hyung! We're waiting for you~


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Introducing... my new obsession!!

He can change the placement of one strand of hair and he will look like a new version of himself.. still him, yet dissimilar. Depending on his stylist or make-up artist of the day, he can be mistaken for Akanishi Jin, Yamapi or Bae Yong Joon. I think he's like Marilyn Monroe... if she willed it, she could walk around her regular place and nobody would recognize her. And I think that's awesome. He's like a manga bishi character comes to life. I can hardly blink whenever he saunters into my screen.

Since I'm a serial monogamist, chances are this blog will be filled with news of him for the time being. We'll see how long this one will last. But then.. my obsession for SRK has not abated after more than a decade, and seeing that this other cute one is very much a unique person himself, I think I'll be following him for quite some time. It helps that youtube is full of him once I know where to look... lalalalala *happiness of the obsessed*

Even though he's much younger than I am, I think he's lived 5 times my lifetime.. at least. Which is why I call him 'hyung' despite me being older than he is. Very mature in thinking, flexible in decisions, caring despite appearing uncaring of other people, and those very unpredictable answers!!! So many conflicting traits wrapped up in a beautiful package... what not to like? I've always loved a flawed perfection. And now that I've found the epitome of it, I don't know how I can ever find someone else who can top this one. Maybe that next guy is still in his baby diapers?

Sorry for not updating for so long...

I'm not even sure if I still have people following this semi-abandoned blog but I want to apologize anyway, even if I end up talking to myself.

But my shiny mobile can connect to the net now so I intend to explore the new world of posting to this blog using mobile. Please look forward to it~