Shah Rukh Khan summed up the feeling of the moment at the 54th Idea Filmfare Awards when he said, “Om Puri recalled his struggling days, and I remember my days when I was also scrawny, long-haired and funny-looking ... but we dared to dream and we made it. So there’s hope for everyone who dreams.” (link)
...I actually pointed at my monitor and said, "Shah Rukh, don't talk like an old man."
Perhaps some people who stumbled onto my blog have wondered, why is my blog titled thus. It's just that I find it funny and very amusing whenever Shah Rukh mentions the words 'youngsters' or 'young people'. In fact, a lot of his current interviews are peppered with them. Shah Rukh bhai, you are only 43 years old. There's a lot of action sequences to be written for you yet. Stop sounding like you're ready to receive your Lifetime Achievement award in another 8 months XD
Also, it's a hope I have for his future. I want to see him as an old man sitting with his peers in some award functions 30 years from now, looking as dapper and magnetic as Amitji looked in the recent 54th Filmfare. I wonder if I'd still be alive to see him take away that Best Actor award or at least nominated for one like Naseerudinji. Maybe not, but it's something to look forward to in a world where things you can look forward to are increasingly dwindling in number.
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