Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Wondering why I've never embedded a video in this blog? It's coz I just found out I can! *smacks self*

So here are the KKR theme song for Season 1:

...and Season 2 (featuring exotic native themes and Shah Rukh in his now trademark black-gold sling. The ending is quite creepy though *stares in fascination*):

He was just supposed to sit quietly by the side and rap/mime the song away XD

If you ask me, I think Shah Rukh's greatest strength is not just his uncanny ability to predict future trends, but also this fearless response to his belief of what the next IN-thing will be. He thinks something should be done and he goes out and does it without waiting for any confirmation from so-called experts. It was not that long ago that the venue change was made from India to UK then SA, and here he is with a new African-influenced KKR anthem. And it's fortunate for him that his brain can grab so many diverse things at once and turn each one of them into some fruitful ventures.

He leaves everyone else biting the dust off his blazing trail.

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