One of my most beloved SRK movies. I cried in so many scenes.. and it's really odd coz the movie is not about a sad, weepy story. In fact, Shah Rukh plays a tapori character who ends up being hanged for the murder of a corrupt police officer (is that a spoiler?)..yet another movie where Shah Rukh dies at the end. But I really love the way he plays the character of Ram Jaane. I keep thinking about how differently life would turn out for me had I been born in different circumstances and in a different environment. Makes me appreciate my life more than ever.
The on-screen Shah Rukh has the power to make the audience looks at him/herself and sees how he/she would be if he/she were his character. I could watch Devdas and somewhat feel what Devdas feels for Paro. Same here with Ram Jaane. By 'THE END' I find myself weeping for the guy. And the songs are lovely. I even like Bum Chiki Chiki Bum even though there's no Shah Rukh in it, it's so cheerful! Pump Up the Bhangra was really cute.. and savour the excellent timing and the many difficult movements he put into every take. No wonder one of the critics' complaints at the time was that watching Shah Rukh Khan is tiring LOL. Such old men! The energetic, exuberant, and inexhaustible young Shah Rukh is a delight to watch here. I don't remember Phenk Hawa Mein at all, prolly coz I have a thing against all this dancing-between-trees songs that were rampant in 90s hindi movies so I wiped it off my memory altogether. However, Ala La La Long depresses me.. maybe coz I know he'll never get the girl no matter how hard he tries T__T
Out of all the songs, I love Ram Jaane (yes, I cried during this too :P) and Chori Chori O Gori the most. If you watch the 'Ram Jaane' song, about the end of it.. he did this jump and landed on his knees. Well, he did that again in the 1996 Koyla (in the 'Ghoontay Mein' song) and he finally broke them. He had to undergo surgery afterwards ^^;;
Oh, I forgot to say that all the crying & weeping was done while I was watching the unsubtitled CD.. and I don't understand hindi. I think that's one magic of Shah Rukh Khan's that his die-hard fans who understand hindi can never fathom, so we're special! Lucky us.. :P
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