Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dorian Gray and my recent online splurge

Pride & Prejudice is up for grabs at at so much less than its actual value! HERE

In a moment of insanity, I also ordered "Where the Truth Lies". I'm intrigued with the 'Unrated Theatrical Release' label. Anyway, that movie will very much likely to be unavailable in my country and I very much want to watch Colin Firth in the leery insatiable sex fiend avatar cozying up unclothed next to a man I find gruesome, i.e. Kevin Bacon. Yep, so not a fan. In fact, I anticipate the whole spectacle to be so gruesome, I just have to watch it.

Can you imagine watching Mr. Darcy right next to Vince Collins? The contrast is so mind-boggling that someone has to sacrifice herself and carry it out. Maybe I'll just do a marathon... 6 hours of pining for Mr. Darcy, then wham! Vince Collins and his pathetic, unsuccessful attempt to shag a bloke who looks like Kevin Bacon (okay, he IS Kevin Bacon in real life ..errrp). Oh, I forgot to mention it's a sandwich with a bacon filler... woah, I've always wanted to say that LOL. Not to mention watching a scene in which Colin Firth, the eternal mild-mannered gentleman, beat someone up so viciously in a foul temper. Awesome trip.

I'm looking forward to Dorian Gray as well. It's one of my favourite Oscar Wilde stories so I'm very thrilled to see Colin Firth in the role of the corrupting influence in Dorian's life, Lord Henry Wotton. I think he'd do corruption exceptionally well and people who disagree with this should just go away. I've been reading arguments tinged with disappointments (upon their preview of the trailer) on how Dorian Gray's preference is not supposed to lean towards the fairer sex. Excuse me, but I thought he leans towards all kinds of sexes and vices. He probably does bestiality too, for all we know.

Dorian Gray pretty much does everything that can be done to corrupt a soul. I doubt he holds back on anything at all. Oscar Wilde did not need to tell us everything Dorian does, we're supposed to fill in the blanks ourselves with our active imagination. I wonder why there's no modern adaptation of Dorian Gray. It's premise is ripe with possibilities on modern insensibilities.

So I'm psyched about the film. And I'm the last person to go to for an objective analysis on any Colin Firth film, really. I enjoy everything he does. Even while silently complaining about all sorts of details and trivia about the way he played the character or the way the movie was filmed, I'd be squealing fangirlishly and staring wide-eyed with fascination at everything he does on-screen.

I'm not so much into Ben Barnes though. His eyes always express emotions beyond what the character is supposed to offer. He's too self-aware. He needs to tone it down and learn to control it a bit. But other than that, I'm willing to go along for the ride. Hey, it's another film adaptation of my favourite author's story with my favourite actor in it! I'll reserve my judgement until I can watch it, but I think the verdict will be a very veeerrrry lenient one.

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