Friday, February 12, 2010

I think Shah Rukh is in dire need of a PR officer (I volunteer for that job! Please take me! I can even work for free!)

Breaking News!

yep.. I (and quite a few others) could see this happening the moment he started gushing on twitter. Shah Rukh, Shah Rukh, Shah Rukh. You never learn.. do you? I love you for your recklessness, so I have to take the frill with the thrill.. I guess.

Can I act as his unofficial PR officer and clarify several things?
  • Search through the voluminous tweets he's given since the start of the SS-provoked controversy and I guarantee you that the phrase "I'm sorry to the Shiv Sena/Balsaheeb" never pops up. Not even once.
  • He clarified in the interview with @BDUTT that when he said he doesn't mind meeting Bal Thackeray, it's not to discuss the foreign players issue coz to him it's a non-issue. It's just to generate goodwill (you know, like Amitabh Bachchan did with his Thackeray-filled Rann premiere..  ahead of his Aman ki Asha program). Maybe most of you hotheads are still in your teenage years, but I'm ancient and I'm telling you that with elders.. this is how one generally behaves, regardless of how much one wants to smash their faces in over some crazy matter or other that they've cooked up. Shah Rukh did have a good relationship with them in the past.. so even though the Thackerays have been known to target their 'popular friends' before, Shah Rukh is the eternal optimist.. as every fan must have known by now
  • He regretted that his principles and his stand on the foreign players issue may have caused hurt to the innocent fans & their families who have braved the SS goons to go to the cinema. There is no way he would retract his statement, and if he does it now.. I'll personally book a ticket to Mumbai to call him out of Mannat and whack him with a pillow. Okay, I exaggerated. I don't have that much budget or time or energy or courage to do it.. :P
  • Even though it's true that what he expressed in the "India Questions" interview is purely his personal view, freedom of speech, and all that jazz.. there's a section of people in Maharashtra specifically, and India generally, who may not be Shiv Sena's supporters but are genuinely upset that he praised Pakistan as a good neighbour. Maybe they've had traumatic personal experiences in the 26/11 and they were unable to forgive him for saying that. It is to these people whom he addressed this message to: "If I have said anything wittingly or unwittingly, have disturbed any sentiments, I express whole-hearted regret."
 To all the fans and supporters, don't get so hyper and jumpy.. for goodness sake. Regardless of how you perceive Shah Rukh to be.. man, superman, God, whateva.. you're in that place because YOU want to be there. It was entirely YOUR decision. Think about that for a minute before you start fluctuating every time some 'news updates' come up.. kthxbai.

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