Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just musing...

Maybe the non-muslim fans of Shah Rukh are angry too regarding the fatwa issued against him that refers to him as kafir (i.e. non-muslim). All I can say is, please refrain from commenting about something you understand nothing about. The more you comment, no matter that it was written in good intention, you will definitely insult the muslim fans with your remarks, whatever it is. And no matter how you try to justify your remarks later or apologise, the damage has already been done. "Silence is golden" is really a true and tested adage in this case.

See, I know nothing about Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and other religions of this world other than what I saw of the followers, what I read in books/magazines/papers, and what the followers of those religions told me themselves. I have my own opinion regarding those religions, which I will never in a million years make public or even say to the respective followers. I don't follow their faith, nor do they follow mine. Knowing about other religions does not make you knowledgeable about it. You have to spend some time believing and following in their paths to have an inkling of what the religions are about. That's why I respect people who study religion in order to seek the light of truth, not to pass exams or just obeying their parents or, God forbid, studying it in order to manipulate/hide/overcome the teachings and spread lies and untruths.

To explain what a fatwa is, a simple definition does not suffice. I'm no Islamic scholar myself, and I hold fatwa issued by our religious leaders in high-esteem. But there are conditions that must be fulfilled in order for a fatwa to be issued, and in the opinions of the other Islamic scholars published in several papers (this is also my opinion), these conditions have not been fulfilled. Accusing another muslim of apostasy is a sinful thing to do, but apparently the accusers are so sure that they'll go to heaven and the other guy is going to hell to come out with such statement. We have such things happening in our country too. Fools exist everywhere on earth.

I don't understand what it is about Islam that evokes so much fear in the hearts of people, muslims and non-muslims alike. But I think the negativity surrounding Islam stems from ignorance, lethargy to learn, impatience to triumph, political milage and competition for power. Embracing Islam means leaving the world behind, but it also means governing the earth. Saying that finding a balance between the two is difficult is actually a gross understatement. Many things happen to us in the course of our lives that we justify a lot just to keep on going. Shah Rukh justifies a lot between his belief and his work/personal life, but I think it's no more than any of us would have done. Far from it for me to say that he's going to hell because he marries a Hindu or because he's an actor... I mean, I have no idea where I'm going myself even though I wear a veil and and don't drink alcohol/eat non-halal food and refrain from socializing freely with men and pray 5 times a day and fast during Ramadhan and save my money to go for Hajj. Everytime I watch a Hollywood movie where the characters die and 'go into the light' I find myself thinking... "boy, they have it easy".

So long as Shah Rukh declares that he is a muslim, then I see no reason why anyone would want to accuse him of not being one. I believe that God knows what's in our hearts. Let Him be the judge of our deeds and determine our final resting place.

If you want to comment to my blog, at least please leave a name behind, if not a link, for a personal touch. I have this severe aversion towards reading comments signed by 'Anonymous'. I really don't like this 'Anonymous' guy/gal, whoever he/she is, and I hope I'll never have to run into him/her in my blog ever again.

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