Sunday, April 26, 2009


That's what it says. I dunno why my 1st post in my KKR blog was rejected. I hate rejection of any kind, no matter if it's a technical glitch and that it's my fault for not entering some required information. Maybe that's why I never got into creative writing even though some people told me I should. With technical writing, there's a space where I will never get rejected as long as I pay for the registration fee because we believe that any result is publishable. You just need to find the right media.

I've pasted the same text again in my KKR blog and am waiting for those few minutes they've promised. Let's see what'll happen. Personally, I hate it when I'm being told that my post is being 'reviewed and approved'. Why must it be?? As if anything I have to say is that important to be reviewed and approved by anyone. You busy people should have more important things to do than reviewing and approving my posts. I'm not being sarcastic about this.

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